2023 Main Event and FantasyPros Championship Round Teams Deep Dive
FantasyMojo.com provide 3 valuable datasets to help navigate the player pools within the 2023 Main Event and FantasyPros Championship Rounds. With a ONE MILLION DOLLAR top prize in each tournament on the line, you NEED to use every data point available to your advantage. Note that until league playoffs conclude at the end of Week 14, the players on teams are subject to waiver changes, and that additional teams will be added to the championship round when league playoffs conclude (league playoff winners that were NOT a 1 or 2 seed in the division will ALSO make the championship round). The data will be updated after waiver runs and then finalized before the start of the “sprint” in Week 15.
1) Player Ownership – CLICK HERE!!
This chart is similar to our overall tournament ownership chart, but contains ONLY those teams that are competing for the $1,000,000 overall prize in the Championship Round. Review this data to see how common (or scarce) your players are within the teams participating in the 3 week sprint. Also, you may want to leverage this knowledge in start/sit decisions to gain an edge over the field by starting a lesser owned player.
2) Stack Summary – CLICK HERE!!
A quick cross reference showing the number of teams that roster QB/Receiver stacks within the Championship Round. The summary contains only QB/Receiver pairings. Use the Stack Explorer to dive deeper on more specific, or larger, player pairings within a team.
3) Championship Round Stack Explorer – CLICK HERE!!
Use one of our helpful “Stack Finders” to quickly find all teams that roster any combination of players within the Championship Round AND see their current standing in the competition.