2025 Dynasty Cutdowns Tracker

On March 31st of this year, FFPC Dynasty leagues must cutdown rosters to 16 players per team. This cutdown tracker lists the players rostered across all dynasty leagues and shows the number of player cuts made in the leagues (so far).

The totals show current ownership percent and the associated ‘cut percentage’, across all leagues, based on the rosters as they existed at the end of the 2024 season, compared with current rosters in Dynasty leagues. Data is broken down to show single QB league data vs Superflex league data, as well as ALL league data. QB vs Superflex is notable since cuts will be heavier in 1 QB leagues where their value is less than the Superflex leagues.

This tracker may assist in helping a team owner gauge player value when deciding which players to keep and drop during the cutdown period, as well as value within trades based on the rosterability of the player. (Data as of 3/28)
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