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2023 FFPC Playoff Challenge Overview and Strategy

The FFPC Playoff Challenge is back again for 2023. For those that are new to this competition, we would like to give an overview of the competition, and some historical data to look at. Note: If you DO NOT have an FFPC account yet and

2023 Playoff Challenge Team Building Strategy

Based on the data, it is evident that the top finishers typically own a mix of chalk players and outliers. Going all chalk or all outlier, is unlikely to end well. But it all starts with targeting players who are going to play in multiple

2023 FFPC Championship Round Stack Explorer

Select one or more players to see what teams own them, and where they are ranked in the FFPC Main Event or FantasyPros Championship Round. (Hint: Click in left margin to get total number of rows in a section) . This is an ELITE tool