Category Archives: Uncategorized

Stuck in a Login Loop?

A few users seem to have a login issue where they login, access a subscriber page, and then are asked to login in again. Here are three ways folks have eliminated the problem. 1) Simply click on the “Home” menu bar item and then navigate

2022 Pros Vs Joes Best Ball Challenge

[DRAFT BOARDS AND LEAGUE ROSTERS FOUND HERE] SNIPE FIRST, SNIPE HARD, NO MERCY!!! It’s the 2022 installment of the Pros vs Joes Best Ball Draft Challenge!!! THE BEST DEFENSE IS MORE OFFENSE!!! The 2022 FFPC Pros vs Joes Draft Challenge enters its 14th year of

2021 FFPC Playoff Challenge Overview and Strategy

The FFPC Playoff Challenge is back again for 2021. For those that are new to this competition, we would like to give an overview of the competition, and some historical data to look at. 1) Overview You can go to the FFPC Playoff challenge overview